Not all organizations exist to make a profit. Some focus on charitable activities to address the needs of individuals and the community. An example is a not-for-profit organization.
Many people don’t understand the purpose and operation of a not-for-profit organization. However, the underlying principle focuses on social responsibilities instead of profit generation.
Read on to understand how not-for-profit organizations work and their purposes.
What’s a Not-for-Profit Organization?
A not-for-profit is a charitable organization that doesn’t generate revenue for its shareholders or founders. Instead, it seeks to improve the welfare of the residents within its scope of operation.
That doesn’t mean that not profit organizations don’t handle or need cash. Like other organizations, they receive donations or raise cash from different business activities, but the difference comes in how they use the profit.
Not-for-profit organizations are also exempt from paying taxes. So, whether they conduct a funds drive, receive a donation, or sell valuable assets, the revenue collection agencies usually exempt the proceeds from taxation.
Purposes of Not-for-Profit Organizations
Most not-for-profit organizations exist for religious, scientific, or public welfare purposes. Others also focus on educational and scientific research.
Other purposes include;
Social Advocacy
A not-for-profit organization may exist to promote social advocacy programs within the society. Such include lobbying for a social cause, such as championing the respect of human rights, environmental conservation, or raising funds to support the same social cause.
A not-for-profit organization may consist of wealthy individuals and corporate organizations. As a result, they may contribute their wealth to philanthropy and support specific ventures aligning with the organization’s purposes. For instance, they may build houses for people without homes; construct schools, drill boreholes, and offer scholarships to needy students.
Humanitarian Aid
Not-for-profit ventures promote humanitarian aid initiatives at various levels. For instance, in underdeveloped areas, they are usually at the forefront, building hospitals, schools, roads, and other infrastructure. In hunger-stricken areas, they often distribute relief food to the affected population.
Impact of Not-for-Profit Organizations
There’s no denying that not-for-profit organizations have a strong impact on society thanks to their activities. The major impacts arising from the activities of such organizations include;
· Fostered civic engagement.
· Improved economic and living standards.
· Strengthened relationships among the population.
Not-for-profit organizations are different from profit-making ventures in that they use their proceeds to propel a social cause. For this reason, they serve three main purposes; humanitarian aid, social advocacy, and philanthropy.
The clubhouse is also a licensed Not for Profit community club in Barossa Valley, serving its members and community since 1891. You may read more here- https://www.theclubhousebarossa.com.au/about-us